In an effort to protect children, actively monitoring registered sex offenders is what a certain group of dogs are specially trained for.
These aren’t just regular dogs. These K9s — named Chewie and Solo — are professionally trained to catch predators as part of their full-time job with the Riverside County Child Exploitation Team.
Chewie and Solo are electronic scent detection dogs that can sniff out a variety of devices and tech that may hold potential evidence police may need. They work as part of a task force created by the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office.
Following extensive investigation and surveillance, the task force will execute a search warrant before sending in the K9s.
“So that could be something as simple as possession of child pornography, to an adult wanting to meet and engage a minor in sex acts, as well as distributing, manufacturing,” explained Jason Polanco from the Riverside County Child Exploitation Team of the suspects they track down.
On Halloween night, when many families and children are out trick-or-treating, authorities said they’ll remain hypervigilant with monitoring and tracking registered sex offenders to ensure they are compliant with registration requirements.
“There are safeguards in place, so to speak, where the registered sex offenders within our county, they’re not supposed to be handing out candy on Halloween,” said Pabelico.
So it appears Jason Polanco is a typical, ignorant, lying, and corrupt cop.
Officer Jason N. Polanco of the Indio Police Department, per Transparent California, is an overpaid “public servant,” too:
Total Pay and Benefits: $222,252.06 per year
Currently, Jason Polanco is a “Senior District Attorney Investigator B” with the Riverside District Attorney’s Office and Riverside County Child Exploitation Team.
These cops are corrupt. Here are some of the things I have learned about cops that should make the public fear police more than people labeled as “Registered Sex Offenders:”
Again, I think the public should be more concerned about dirty cops, corrupt prosecutors, and a court “system” that has failed in all regards.
Nice little fluff piece. I’d really like to see one of the warrants they got to have their dogs seeking electronics and the articulable, reasonable suspicion supporting it. Because if it just said something along the lines of searching all electronic and storage media for CP or evidence of contact with minors based solely on being a registrant, I would think there would be a pretty strong case for harassment and overreach here.
This has to be a joke!!! With all of the drugs and insanity in the I.E., THIS is what they have attack dogs trained for. What the actual Eff?!?!?
I’m not familiar with California law. Are registrants prohibited from participating at Halloween, or is this just something the DA and sheriff made up?
Jason Polanco stated, Authorities will stay hypervigilant with “Monitoring and Tracking” sex offenders, Following an “Extensive Investigation” authorities will serve a search warrant on the location before sending in the K9s. And These k9s are part of a special team created by the Riverside County district attorneys office.
Riverside county treats every person on the registry like they’re on parole/probation, so you never know when they’re watching you and for how long, I personally was arrested twice for FTR by the Riverside district attorney‘s office, The prosecuting DA in my original 290 case Dena Bennett was head chief DA at the time so she was running the whole show, she literally took three shots at me and missed after that third one I got the hell out of Riverside County,
BUT this just goes back to The Compliance Checks you never know when your name is gonna pop up on there taskforce list and if it does you better hope you’re not staying somewhere or visiting a family member longer than 5 working days. Riverside DA has top of the line cybertetechnology like the “STINGRAY” they can scan all your electronica devices in your home before they even raid your home. Riverside district attorneys has gotten in trouble numerous times for illegally surveilling people and phone taps. I’ve personally caught one detective following me around in his own personal vehicle dressed in civilian clothing.
Really? This is California, a state where [people forced to register] not on probation or parole can hand out candy to children whenever they want. So, to hell with Jason Pabelico, and that’s what I feel we as a community should be telling this idiot. We have rights and we will exercise them however and whenever we please with no regard to his dictates.
Now, having said that, I and my housemate don’t hand out candy to kids on Halloween out of respect to our neighbors, who know about our membership in our peculiar fraternity. It’s not out of any fear of what the police will think. I particularly don’t care a whit about what they think of me. We know we can do what we want but we don’t want to upset our neighbors even if they are as shallow-minded with regard to [people forced to register] as Mr. Pabelico. As for myself, I escape the door bell ringing and knocking that comes despite a darkened house by attending a Twelve Step meeting.
I’ll call the BS these dogs are train to sniff out devices once the dog hits on the device then that gives the officer PC to search the device. You see they’ll get a warrant in which gives those officers a right to enter that registered citizen home at which then gives the officer free rein in the registrants home then the fix is set . I’m sure this only goes on on for those whom are on probation or parole. Still a lot of questions for whom they are actually targeting. Because in California if you are off state handlers , there are no laws where a registered citizen can’t give out candy !
I’m surprised that they don’t claim to have trained-up a new generation of “Pedo-Sniffing” dogs! This would make a great British comedy skit, e.g. all the teachers in a school being subjected to a good ole’ sniff the first day of the school year. Or as Scout Masters complete their training. How these dogs might display an “alert” is also rife with comedic possibilities. Let’s hope that it doesn’t involve actual biting nor should we speculate upon where they might bite.